
This site is a first step towards a bigger project of building an online library that houses open-educational resources (OER) and zero textbook cost (ZTC) materials. The OER/ZTC resources listed here are mainly for logic, critical thinking, and ethics (broadly construed) courses. The target audience of this site are graduate student philosophy instructors at CUNY, but the resources might also be of interest to university philosophy instructors in general.

Wonder what are OER and ZTC? Visit this page to learn more about these concepts and how they are related to philosophy.

For Logic and Critical Thinking resources, see this page.

For Ethics OER/ZTC resources, see this page.

For more pedagogy resources, see this page.

If you would like to share your own OER/ZTC courses, please reach me at yzhu4@gradcenter.cuny.edu. I would love to publicize them on this site. And of course, you will be given credit for that!

The site is developed by Yingshihan (Shihan) Zhu, a doctoral student in Philosophy at CUNY Graduate Center. My research interests are social/political philosophy, feminist philosophy, moral philosophy, and social epistemology. If you would like to help maintain this site, please reach me at the above email.