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Open-access journals:

  1. Ergo has some great pieces for ethics courses. For example, the recent article “Intersectional Feminist Theory as a Non-Ideal Theory: Asian American Women Navigating Identity and Power” can be used to teach intersectionality and race.
  2. Feminist Philosophy Quarterly has a ton of great articles. This is one of the go-to OER places if you want to teach feminist ethics.
  3. Philosophers’ Imprint is another great place to look at.
  4. Journal of Moral Philosophy has some great OER articles although it is not an open-access journal. For example, Serene Khader’s “The Feminist Case Against Relational Autonomy” can be used to teach autonomy/agency.
  5. APA Studies on Feminism and Philosophy publishes two newsletters each year. These pieces tend to be shorter and more accessible to undergrads. I’ve taught the one on #MeToo and Philosophy.

OER/ZTC Ethics textbooks:

Baruch College’s TLC has a list of OER/ZTC textbook databases. Their site is a good place to start.

Nontraditional teaching materials:

  1. The Stone: “A forum for contemporary philosophers and other thinkers on issues both timely and timeless. The series moderator is Simon Critchley, who teaches philosophy at The New School for Social Research.” Some pieces that I’ve used in my class are Serene Khader’s “Why Are Poor Women Poor?” and Carol Hay’s “Who Counts as A Woman.” Some other philosophers have also taught pieces such as “Complicated Stories of Affirmative Action,” “Dear White America,” and “A.I. and I.”
  2. Inside Higher Ed has some interesting articles that can be used when teaching philosophy of education. I’ve used Kino Zhao’s “The Native Speaker Fallacy.”
  3. TedTalks: I have used Kimberle Crenshaw’s “The Urgency of Intersectionality” and Ruth Chang’s
    How to Make Hard Choices.”
  4. Podcasts: I haven’t had the chance to use any of the Podcasts in my class, but some instructors have used Myisha Cherry’s The UnMute Podcast.
  5. Youtubers (e.g., Wireless Philosophy, Philosophy Tube)

Sample OER/ZTC Ethics courses developed by CUNY instructors:

Global Ethics at Baruch College (Hagop Sarkissian)

Ethics and Critical Thinking at Baruch College (My course)